Hornsby Model Engineers

Co-operative Ltd

Sydney NSW Australia

ABN 53 451465 092

Train Rides!

Galston Valley Railway welcomes public visitors on the 2nd Sunday of each month.

Entry will be by pre-purchased Entry tickets only, with rides available onsite for $3.50 per person.

For detailed conditions, and to book entry tickets, please see our booking page.

To search, type one or more keywords (the case doesn't matter) and select "all", "any" or "phrase". The search looks for these words in the Author or Title fields.

Generally, "all" will work best. "Any" will give you more results (some may be irrelevant).

Use "*" as a wildcard to match word endings: "rail*" matches any word starting with "rail".

You can exclude a word by putting "-" in front of it, e.g. "motor -electric".

Members' Library

HME maintains a library of about 1500 items - mostly books and magazines on model engineering and related technical subjects.

This electronic catalog is complete (for books) - but call numbers are currently being revised

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  Add * to a word to match multiple endings, e.g. weld* -> weld, welder, welding etc.

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